What Our Clients Say

Thanks! I've been facilitating for many years (although likely not longer than you…), so I was skeptical what I would learn...However after 25 years of facilitating, I learned some really neat new things in your session, thanks for sharing! I will be using one of the activities this week for an Undergraduate Program Director meeting!
-Dr. Eddie H.
Director of Undergraduate Research & Associate Professor, Major US University
We were so fortunate to have Roz and Jed Training & Consulting spend time with our leadership team last night. If you are looking for exceptional, well organized, detailed and fun training support focused on strategies you and your staff can apply immediately look no further than these two. They are an encyclopedia of camp knowledge and amazing to work with.
-Jaime P.
Owner/Director, Private MA Day Camp
Wow, Thanks Roz and Jed! They visited our company to help us celebrate and reinforce our Core Values. We invited them for a week where we focused on Respect! It was a pleasure speaking with them throughout the application process. They were attentive to questions and tailored the class to have the most impact for my company!
Once they arrived, they quickly set up and got right into their presentation. It was so fun and Jed and Roz's personality quickly lightened up our office! Fun ice breakers and activities lead to thought provoking discussions that will have a lasting impact on our Company and its culture.
We are so happy to have worked with Roz and Jed at our office! Roz and Jed really cared about our company and making it the best presentation it could be. We can't wait to work with them again in the future. Thank You Roz and Jed!
-Eli G.
Company Representative, NY E-commerce Company
I really enjoyed the session yesterday – best ZOOM meeting I’ve had… ever.
-Dan M.
Assistant Director of Recreation, NH Recreation Center
Thank you very much for our staff training last night! You hit all of the highlights and important topics we wanted covered in very tangible and interactive ways. I have already had several staff members that were in attendance last night email me, about how worthwhile they felt the training was. It’s nice to hear the staff felt that time spent was valuable.
-Beth S.
Director, NJ Not-for-Profit Day Camp
For a two hour session Jed and Roz had our staff engaged, smiling, laughing, and learning. This is exactly what we needed to kick off our summer. Their training not only gave our staff ideas of what to do with our campers during the day, but it also taught them all sorts of lessons. The impact, we as camp staff have on our campers, can sometimes go under the radar, but Jed and Roz made it very clear how important we are in the lives of our campers. In addition, I think it was eye opening to see how every minute of camp can be filled with something to add that extra "spice" to your camp.
-Lauren H.
Director, MA Town Recreation Program
Thank you once again for a great workshop. Students found the activities and games beneficial to learn more about their own identity and to bond as an entire group. They really enjoyed the candy introductions because it forced them to have conversations with other students outside their social groups. They also have mentioned the puzzle activity on multiple occasions while planning for next week's spirit week. The biggest take away from that activity was "a task is not completed until every member has what they need." Thank you for giving us the tools and skills to have a successful year!
-Dana S.
Teacher and Peer Advisor Coordinator, NJ Middle School
“Thank you for speaking at the WPRA conference last week. I was only able to attend one of your speaking sessions- Make It Stick – Activities to Make Training Better. It was by far the best session the WPRA has had in a few years. Just that one session – I came away with multiple ways to engage our staff at trainings. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Tuesday pre-conference to attend to my own kids school conferences, but I heard from many of my friends at WPRA that it also was an excellent session. I told my boss, that hopefully you will come back to WPRA in the future to present and if so – that would take precedence over any other sessions. Thanks again for providing a spark for so many of us at the conference!
-Brett K.
Recreation Coordinator, Wisconsin Park & Recreation Department
I thought the Board exercises Jed and Roz provided were great. Better than any ice breakers I have ever seen used.
-Sheila S.
Sr. Vice President, Wealth Advisor Company, Board Member, NY Not-for-Profit Organization
I wanted to thank you one last time for contributing to our online education series. Your session was AWESOME. I loved the content and was so impressed by your delivery. Your session hit each of our company’s goals for our online education series - support our clients during this challenging year, create and foster connections, and allow our clients to learn from the experts. We’ve also gotten some feedback from attendees, and it has been glowing, to say the least.
-Charlotte A.
Training & Communications Coordinator, Software Company